Monday, January 31, 2011

she can't be convicted, she has earned her degree...

"so, are you in school?"
"how's school going?"

at 22, every 'catch-up' conversation i have seems to start out with one of these two questions. smile, say it's going well, subject change.
because if you are college-educated, you are lucky. but guess what? if you are college-educated, you've also started digging yourself a hole. if you come out with a degree to work in the field that you love- that's phenomenal. if you're still digging and unsure...that's another story. you end up with unpaid loans and only two options- start paying, or stick it out...which could mean years of classroom discussions on topics that put you to sleep.

in our society, what has been deemed as "normal" is to go to college after high school...and if you're not going to a college or vocational school, you'd say you're just "taking a year off," as if you have to make some kind of excuse. why IS this? have we allowed ourselves to explore our OWN vision of what we want for our lives? think about it. did you ever feel that there was any other option, or did you just start looking for colleges along with everyone else? because that's what i did. but now it's becoming much clearer. i wouldn't call someone else to find out what i wanted for breakfast tomorrow morning, so why would i follow someone else's plan for the next four years (or five...or six) without consulting...ME? because just what you do.

i am not (by ANY means) ridiculing an individual who happily pursues their further education. if you know what you want, and you are passionate about it, TAKE it. learn every single bit of information on the craft- practice it, love it, and love your life and your work.
i am, however, thoroughly disappointed. because for me, school is the one area in my life where i simply go through the motions. i love to learn, but i do not love What i am learning. unconventional as it may be, i want to learn about Life. literally. the only way to do that though? live it.
i am musician, i am a psychologist, i am not afraid to get my hands dirty, i am not above anything that could broaden my world view--or the understanding of the people in it. mainly i want to figure out this: why doesn't anyone ever ask "ARE you going to college?," instead of "WHERE are you going to college?" because if i could do it all over again, i would probably make no apology as i spent my mornings running, lived in a apartment with cheap rent, and worked hard knowing that my money would go to the gas in my car, ticket stubs of the concerts that i wanted to see, and the planes and trains that would take me to the places i have never been. these things will all happen in time, but i would just like to rip down this hypothetical neon sign that suggests that college is the only road to success. a successful life is one full of happiness and passion. luckily i have enough of those two things to make it through, but know that you have a choice. when it looks like there is only one way to accomplish or fix something, i beseech you to search for the other paths...because they Are there.
if you have love in your life, a roof over your head, and the desire to sink your teeth into this world, you have everything...regardless of whether or not you have a piece of paper that says "You're really great at math!"

never be afraid or ashamed to admit that you are satisfied by the simplistic beauty that the world offers without a financial catch.

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